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Why I Care #EndtheStereotypes World Down Syndrome Day
by Edmonton Down Syndrome Society
For each dollar donated to EDSS by March 21, the GOA matches your dollar up to $5,000. By joining us in this campaign, you'll be part of something bigger than yourself—a movement for positive change and social impact.
Harnessing Hope: Help Us Launch Adaptive Cart Programming!
by Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association
Help LTRA acquire a new Adaptive Cart to bring healing through horses to people who can’t currently ride! Your support creates a new opportunity for those with prohibitive health conditions and seniors to connect, harnessing hope—one cart ride at a time!
Breaking Barriers, Building Lives: Support SMART Recovery, Alberta
by SMART Recovery Society of Alberta
Support SMART Recovery Alberta’s mission to empower individuals through evidence-based recovery. Your contribution helps expand meetings and resource access, fostering a healthier community. Join us in creating lasting change and helping Albertans thrive.
Help Us Build the Future of the Red Deer Curling Centre!
by Red Deer Curling Centre
Replace this content with your own story. Engage your audience with short, straightforward and heartfelt checkpoints. Introduce yourself and/or the beneficiary.Kindle the human side of your story and give a name and/or face to the voice behind your ca...
Ken MacDonald Memorial Fund Campaign
by HIV Edmonton
HIV Edmonton believes health equity and gender equity is a right. We achieve this by honouring community, advocating in partnership to amplify community voices, enhancing responsiveness, and advancing the knowledge that U=U: Undetectable=Untransmittable.
Your gift, their care: Together we make a difference
by Helping Families Handle Cancer Foundation
This Giving Tuesday, help families handle childhood cancer by easing their financial burdens so parents can focus on their child’s health. Donate, share our campaign, and spread hope. Together, we can make a difference! Give today!