2024 Fall Fundraiser
Dear Friends and Supporters of the Dewberry Valley Museum,
We’ve had a very interesting and productive year, and a great amount of our achievements can be attributed to your support. To list a few – we’ve updated and added to our permanent collection and displays; held a very successful open house in conjunction with the Dewberry Chuckwagon Weekend; completed several maintenance items including painting of the exterior of the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church; replaced old interior lighting with new LED lights in both of our main buildings; and, in conjunction with the Dewberry Seniors hosted an enjoyable musical afternoon at the church followed by a Lemonade Social.
All of the above achievements were possible because of specific donations made my many of you. We strive to run our operations on a break-even basis and dedicate any available donations and door admission charges to our major operating expenses such as insurance and utilities. We do receive a contribution from the County of Vermilion River to help with these costs, but the rate of increase year over year is hard to keep up with.
To help fill the gap we are planning on taking advantage of a Government of Alberta “Crowdfunding” program. This is exciting as this program will match any donations received through this program at a 50% level (subject to certain program requirements). Donations are made by credit card and tax receipts are issued by the crowdfunding system via email.
Any contribution, no matter the size, is appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please email us at dewberryvalleymuseum@gmail.com.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
2024 Fall Fundraiser
Dewberry Valley Museum SocietyDear Friends and Supporters of the Dewberry Valley Museum,
We’ve had a very interesting and productive year, and a great amount of our achievements can be attributed to your support. To list a few – we’ve updated and added to our permanent collection and displays; held a very successful open house in conjunction with the Dewberry Chuckwagon Weekend; completed several maintenance items including painting of the exterior of the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church; replaced old interior lighting with new LED lights in both of our main buildings; and, in conjunction with the Dewberry Seniors hosted an enjoyable musical afternoon at the church followed by a Lemonade Social.
All of the above achievements were possible because of specific donations made my many of you. We strive to run our operations on a break-even basis and dedicate any available donations and door admission charges to our major operating expenses such as insurance and utilities. We do receive a contribution from the County of Vermilion River to help with these costs, but the rate of increase year over year is hard to keep up with.
To help fill the gap we are planning on taking advantage of a Government of Alberta “Crowdfunding” program. This is exciting as this program will match any donations received through this program at a 50% level (subject to certain program requirements). Donations are made by credit card and tax receipts are issued by the crowdfunding system via email.
Any contribution, no matter the size, is appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please email us at dewberryvalleymuseum@gmail.com.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
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